Gilek 和dalok是我从小听到老的两个词,sakai好像是70年代才听到的。
Dalok大概是指“丢脸的事”吧。老伴整天叫我不要dalok他。他认为dalok的事如下:一 佔人便宜
二 买东西时讨价还价
三 宴会后打包菜尾
四 红白事的红包给得太少
五 没有 table manner
六 穿着不体面
为了迁就他,so far so good 除了第二项(没给他知道),我还不曾dalok过他,哈哈!如果被他抓包,他的那句“你们老师最dalok。” 会一竹竿打昏所有的老师!他那样说也不是没有根据的,看一看我们的一些同道们,也真是够dalok的。每逢有什么宴会,阿头们未到,就抢先大吃特吃,吃到like nobody business(借用一个二毛子同事的用语),好像免费的特别好吃!吃了之后,又打包给丈夫,孩子吃。听说去年有个英明的主席,吃前先来个警告,还有人未吃,不可打包,哈哈哈, 竟然有这么好笑的事!
把学校的报纸拿回家也是这些人的杰作。好心啦,要拿等最后一节拿也不迟。我们曾经历过才5 pm 报纸就不翼而飞!上了六节的课后,还想补充一下精神粮食,报纸已进了他们的书包!有个多事的同事,替他们做个calculation如下:一天省了RM1.30 的报费, 一个月省了 Rm1.30 x 20 = RM 26( 上课天数) ,那么一年就省了Rm260(以十个月 计算), 十年就省了Rm2600, 我的天啊,笑死我了!那同事还说,拿了报纸的人就不应该再拿Rm1000 的奖励( Gurucemerlang),哈哈哈,是酸葡萄吧!
.阿Loo, 你时常进来我家,算是朋友吧?让我幽你一默可以吗?几天前,你说:如果江副部长是你的老师就好咯,是不是也想来gilek一下呢?你还想拿什么contract的,不可抄捷径噢,不要dalok了祖宗咩!
Friday, March 27, 2009
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Have you ever come across people who don't think a lot or reason out things, but make silly statements about subjects they know very little or nothing about?
Have you ever noticed any person in a group who seems to want to be heard above everyone else?
Have you ever come across people who tend to boast about loudly and want everyone to be impressed by what they have to say?
Have you ever come across people who have little of real value to add to a conversation but enjoy the attention they think they're getting?
Haha, do these people come under your "gilek", "dalok" or "sakai" categories?
无知,无礼,野蛮的人,sakai, 越来越多??
Empty vessels make the most noise.
Kenneth,what you comment is quite true ,it is human"s nature!
拿到contract当然要gilek,我是说如果抄捷径就dalok咯,你没读过道德咩?要拿政府奖学金真的不容易,人家真才实料,没有靠人际关系的wor!你如果是A 中校友,你也认识林先生的。
thanks 4 your comment. Whom do u mean ?
"Empty vessels" are found everywhere.
In fact, what Kenneth says is very true.
Haven't you come across people who are trying their level best to cultivate an air of sophistication at this 'kiasu' & 'kiasi' age? Haven't you seen wide-mouthed individuals?
Or is it not a local culture in your place?
对不起,刚才打错你的名字,人老眼花了!你说的empty vessel,怕输,怕死,bigmouthed 的人(我叫他们八公,八婆), 到处都有的。谢谢你的高见!
Haha, may I consult all the expert analysts of human behavior here? Can all the “kiasu”, “kiasi”, big mouth and empty vessels be categorized as people suffering from inferiority complex? I also came across people who are so afraid that people don’t know their value or the valuables that they have. Someone even showed me her bank account to prove that she has $, my god. And told people that she can’t go for tours not because she doesn’t have $, but because of some other reason. How do you describe this type of behavior in Hock Chew? 大姐?
Dunno le, never heard from the elders abt this catagory of human in Hockchew.But there is one abt ppl who always receive but never give。
Are they categorized as people suffering from inferiority complex?
No, I don't think so.
They are actually trying to impress their personality on others!
Gilek lah......
Your friend showing you her bank account?
Oh, my goodness!
She is trying to make you believe that whatever she is saying or demonstrating are genuine because you distrust her...
Dalok loh to have such a friend!
Thanks for your analysis.
I can only say that you do not know this person and the situation that leads to her behavior. So please don’t comment about our relationship. I don’t feel dalok to have this type of friend. In fact I pity her. I just want to clarify the behavior. And to me it is a kind of sickness, which I think she needs counseling. But people like this always think they are right and others are wrong. And unfortunately she has transferred and we can’t help her.
It is reasonable to assume that everybody has the right to make a comment, isn't it? Hence, whether a comment is being accepted, or otherwise, is a matter for frank & open discussion. No offence, please!
Sorry, you have misunderstood me. I am not offended by your comment. I just pointed out that you do not know the true situation to make such comment. Maybe I do not know the rules of blog. Think I should be more careful when commenting in the future. Thanks again for the response.
大姐, I apologize to you too.
what 4 apologize ? No ill feeling or offencela, in return i should thank you all 4 giving comment n support!
Actually, we must be frank & open-minded. Ready to give comments, and at the same time, be readily prepared to accept comments.
Life is transient. So, why make it so difficult??
"Life is transient. So, why make it so difficult??"
Dear Kenneth
You maybe right. The above statement fits me very well, a cancer survivor.
Thanks for the advice.
Illness is not something that we should feel ashamed of. It should not be regarded as a sign of misfortune or defeat. As a matter of fact, suffering is the fuel of wisdom, and it opens the way to happiness. Through illness, human beings can gain insight into the true meaning of life, understand its value and dignity, and strive to lead more fulfilling lives.
Never give up, never lose hope - that is the key to winning!
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