Thursday, February 19, 2009


几天前,在《路见要鸣》的部落格看到了“没LP” 和“PLP”的字眼,感到好奇,也似曾相识,再看下去才知道是什么意思,哈哈,那不是老伴在世时所说的“无核”(没LP)和阿谄奉承(PLP)吗?那老伴最痛恨这些“无核” 和“PLP”(福州方言也同音),一提起他们就会牙痕痕的,尤其是政客们!他告诉我: 这些“无核” 的人一点尊严也没有,为了追逐金钱和名利,连民族都可以出卖!说的也真!
在现实生活中,真的满城尽是没LP的人,就是因为没LP。所以才要做PLP的一族!我在教育界混了几十年,只能看到杏坛的PLP。靠自己的能力和本事升级的当然也不少,可是除了实力,如果缺少了PLP的元素也是不行的!话说有位老同学,他是靠自己的苦干,实力当了副校长。多年来默默耕耘,只是不懂得去PLP,结果一做就是十多年的副校长,直到退休为止都和校长的职位无缘!他告诉我说:要做校长,只有两个管道; 一,要老大的推荐。二, 要时常去某地进出!(去PLP呀)像他那种有尊严,有立场,脚踏实地的人,又不懂得PLP,那老大会推荐吗咯?无事叫他去某地进出更是行不通!反观别人家,只做了三几年的xx主任就坐大了,真有本事!除了能干,当然也要会PLP呀!有大把能干的人,你以为个个都如此幸运咩?
本来,一个教会是神圣的场所,你都不知道咯,里边也有不少PLP的人。为了让丫头打好英语的基础,我把她送进一间由教会主办的幼稚园(英语媒介)去上学。Cheh,里边的人PLP的程度让我反胃极了!他们专门去po有专业资格的家长,那些没有专业资格的就被他们边缘化了。年尾的恳亲会上只见有医生,律师,工程师或且大老板的儿女们在台上演出,那管他们演得多么差。丫头只被安排当歌詠队的配角。她曾问我: “妈咪,我要跳舞,不要唱歌,做么他们不选我跳?”听了令人心酸!她那么小,你叫我如何向她解释?我只好安慰她说,她长得太高,不适合跳舞!有个朋友,看不过眼那班狗眼,为了出一口气,有天特地驾她老公的BENZ去示威呢!(哈哈!)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Monday, February 9, 2009

A letter to the heaven

To my beloved mee,
Today is Chap Goh Meh,the day when u left us two years ago.U really know how to choose date for leaving us.U made this day a sorrowful day in memory of u!Where are u now ?Pastor Loi told me that u are now for sure in the heaven, is it true ?So easy meh ?You didnt go to church on Sundays o, how come so easy ?Just a few prayers can send u up the heaven ?No wonder christians/non christians can do whatever undesirable things as they wish, no need to follow principles!
This blog suppose to be universal,it can be seen throughout the world, but can u see it ?If i were to write in Mandarin, you will not be able to understand, I scared you dont have translator up there, therefore i am writting it in English.You used to complain that my command of English is poor.But I am not a language teacher, as far as i can impart my scientific and mathematical knowledge to my students, enough already.Though my standard is low, I am still better than those who use " I are", " you is" "rubbishes"( etc.) le, who cares ?They can also get 10% incentive what!
After u had left, I did a stupid thing by letting the Wong Ba Dan to take over your accounts.that night, our hoouse was crowded with a no. of tappers.I told them not to panic, no matter how I would try to settle their payments though I didnt know how to manage it.I let the Wong Ba Dan step in because he promised in front of his political boss(also present that night) that he would settle everything for u.I deserve to be called " sparrow brain" like u used to call me because I didnt learn from your experience and forgot what u told me about his personality!that time, I felt a bit worried too because I didnt know how much money was with him.If i knew that u still have RM5k + there, I would never allow him to take over your account.He used your money to distribute to the tappers as if his own money; he let the tappers felt that he is great n generous!In the end, he didnt help to settle all, he chased after me for the RM 1000 as if demanding my life!I even begged him to give the RM 1 K to Etr as a bonus, he refused, Mr. Choo also helped me to persuade him , but failed.
Do u know that Perak is taken over by BN ?If u are still in this world,surely u wanna slaughter people again.Every time , after the General Election results were announced, u told me that so and so should be slaughteredfor causing the loss of DAp seat by minority.This time, I think you will slaughter your own people, that is the Jelapang ngoung boh, a hopping frog!U used to call them " hang gan"( chinese traitor)
I promise to take good care of your daughter but not your birds.since Your brother refused to feed the birds, i asked Da Tee to set free those ordinary cuckoo( of no value ones).Two valuable cuckoo were stolen at the night u left, the other two were sold around RM 500.Before they were taken away by their new master, I went to see them in Da Tee house.Wa,such a beautiful bird i ever come across!One of them opened its tail like a peacock when i approached it! ( What bird is it ?)I burst into tears the moment I saw it.I felt sorry for selling it because i dont know and too busy to keep it ah!
Why dont u come into my dream and talk to me ? So far, i only dreamt of u twice.U complaint that the photo i put in the lorry head is damn lousy.U know or not, that is the best dy.My friends asked me where I found such a handsome from le.In the other drem, u complain I dun give spirulina for Etr to eat, all complains only !
Next time , if u need money, please come into my dream and tell me.What for u go and tell your brother Hooi that u didnt receive the money we burnt for u ?Isnt everything is free in the heaven?For the last 2 qing ming,we burnt a tv with Astro, a motor bike and lots of money for u.( I did it according to Etr will)If u come back, dun scold me meh.In fact, I also miss your "scolding",life without your scolding is damn boring.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Mummy, I miss you

新年过后,丫头又回学院去了, 老妈子心又开始焦了。这是丫头e mail回来的相片,彷佛也在说 :Mummy, i miss u too